Adult Bug Bat Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia x Bug Bat)

Adult Bug Bat Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia x Bug Bat)


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Ease to Grow: Easy
Dormancy: Recommended
Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of the Gulf Coast and Southeastern North America
Zones: 6-8 (5-9)

The Bug Bat Pitcher Plant is a tall cultivar with copper-colored pitchers, topped with rounded, arching, reddish hoods. The trap tops are narrow and express the delightful red and white coloration of its S. minor parentage with distinctive veining and rows of white areoles (windows). It is a vigorous plant that readily forms dense colonies. It prefers open, sunny boggy conditions, and holds its color into the frost. The flowers are dark red and fragrant, and generally bloom mid-season. It will stand out in your bog garden. Bug Bat is a complex cultivar believed to be, (S. alata x psittacina) x minor Okee.

Plants are shipped bare-root, wrapped in damp sphagnum moss. In it’s dormant season, it will be shipped as a dormant rhizome with trimmed off pitchers. Photographs are representative of the cultivar, and not the specific plant shipped.

Height: 6″ – 16″
Plant Type: Perennial, temperate
Soil: Lower Bog or General CP Mix
Light: Bright indoors, full sun to partial sun outdoors
Use: Grows well in the bog garden, greenhouse and indoors

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Sarracenia pitcher plants can be grown successfully in captivity with the right care and conditions. Here are the general steps for growing Sarracenia pitcher plants in captivity:

  1. Choose the right container: Sarracenia plants need to be grown in containers that are at least 8 inches deep and have good drainage. Plastic or ceramic pots with drainage holes are suitable.
  2. Use the right soil: Sarracenia plants prefer a soil that is a mixture of peat moss and perlite. You can also add sand or vermiculite to improve drainage.
  3. Provide the right amount of light: Sarracenia plants need plenty of bright, direct sunlight to thrive. A south-facing window or a well-lit outdoor location is ideal.
  4. Water properly: Sarracenia plants need to be kept moist, but they do not like to be waterlogged. Water them regularly, and make sure the soil is never allowed to dry out completely.
  5. Provide humidity: Sarracenia plants prefer a humid environment. You can provide humidity by placing a tray of water near the plants or by using a humidifier.
  6. Fertilize sparingly: Sarracenia plants do not require much fertilizer, and too much can actually harm them. Use a fertilizer that is formulated for carnivorous plants, and apply it sparingly.
  7. Watch for pests: Sarracenia plants can be susceptible to pests such as aphids and spider mites. Check the plants regularly for signs of infestation, and treat them promptly if necessary.

By following these steps, you can grow healthy and thriving Sarracenia pitcher plants in captivity.


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