Drosera Adelae (Lance Leaved Sundew, Giant Form)

Drosera Adelae (Lance Leaved Sundew, Giant Form)


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This queen from Queensland can be a crown jewel in any collection when grown well. Drosera adelae is a perennial carnivorous plant. Its leaves are almost completely flat but will rise up from the base of the plant toward light; there is a line like a crease down the center of the leaves. The leaves can grow to be beyond a foot long depending on the light intensity and are usually about half an inch wide. In low light, they will be longer and a vibrant, almost electric green; in strong light, they will be shorter and bronzed to a purplish-red. The topside of the leaves are covered in stalked tentacles that look like fine, white hairs that are each tipped at the end by a minute, red round ball that secretes sticky glue to capture and digest prey.

Availability: Out of stock SKU: giant-sundew-drosera-adelae Category:
Availability: Out of stock


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