Cape Sundew (Drosera capensis) “Big Pink” Form

Cape Sundew (Drosera capensis) “Big Pink” Form


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Big Pink is a selected breeding of the white leaf and red leaf forms of Drosera Capensis. In bright sunlight, the plant produces long pink leaves that are larger than its parent plants. A fully mature plant has a leaf span of 6 inches and often get to 6 inches tall. As a cool-tropical species, this plant likes it sunny but cool. It may slow down significantly during the hottest parts of summer, but watch it take off again when the summer heat passes. This is the most vigorous Cape sundew in our collection. Great for the first-time grower.

• Juvenile plant, approximately 3 inches tall.
• Will reach maturity within an additional 6-12 months.
• Acclimated for windowsill growing.
• Shipped in a 3-inch pot. Care info is included.
Type of Plant: Tropical sundew for windowsill growing.
Sunlight: Partial sun. Avoid harsh, hot sunlight.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less). Keep the soil wet.
Soil: Equal parts peat moss and perlite. No garden soil, compost, or fertilizer.
Temperatures: Tolerant of cool temperatures but always protect from frost.
SKU: cape-sundew-drosera-capensis-big-pink-form Category:

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Drosera sundews can be grown in captivity using the following steps:

  1. Choose the right growing medium: Drosera sundews require a soilless growing medium that is acidic and nutrient-poor. A mixture of sphagnum moss and perlite or sand works well.

  2. Provide adequate lighting: Sundews require bright, indirect light to grow well. A south-facing window or a grow light can provide the necessary light for healthy growth.

  3. Water properly: Sundews require moist soil at all times, but do not tolerate standing water. Water with distilled or rainwater to avoid mineral buildup that can harm the plant.

  4. Feed the plant: Sundews are carnivorous and obtain nutrients by capturing insects with their sticky, glandular hairs. In captivity, you can feed your sundew small insects such as fruit flies or gnats.

  5. Control humidity: Sundews require high humidity to thrive. A humidifier or a tray of water near the plant can help maintain the necessary humidity.

  6. Avoid fertilizers: Sundews do not require fertilizers, as they obtain their nutrients from insects.

  7. Repot when necessary: As the sundew grows, it may require repotting into a larger container. Repotting is best done in the spring when the plant is actively growing.

By following these steps, you can successfully grow drosera sundews in captivity.


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